Hairlooksgreat Customs (Updated 2/15 Too Late for Love Def Leppard)

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    These are my first 2 customs. Right now, no vocals but I will go back and do them at some point. No keys also, but these songs need keys, so at some point I’ll add them. Feedback is much appreciated. If I don’t get feedback, positive or negative, I’ll never learn. Animations provided by Magma. I have many Rock/Classic Rock/Hairband stuff I want to do and it would be a shame to release these songs without improving my charting skills. So, please let me know what I can do to improve. And please, use this thread to let me know my mistakes. PMing me doesn’t help others who might be making the same mistakes. I hit a few rough spots when creating these and using the search feature of the forum solved most of my problems. So a big thank-you goes out to those who asked questions in the forums and a bigger thank-you to those who answered! Enjoy!


  … kes_rb3con



  … ock_rb3con



  … ove_rb3con


      RPP file + audio for an authors’ feedback.


        Had a blast playing Like a Rock on guitar.


        By the way it is Like a Rock. Lowercase. Just a note for whenever you upload a new version.

        Had a blast playing Like a Rock on guitar.


        By the way it is Like a Rock. Lowercase. Just a note for whenever you upload a new version.


        Glad you enjoyed it. Lower case on the next version. Overlooked that, Thanks!


          Took a look at Like a Rock…



          Very well done for a first effort (and not only for a first effort actually).

          Your song though should start at M3.1, so that you have space for your count in (at M1.1, M1.3, M2.1, M2.2, M2.3, M2.4). Also, starting at the one of the measure makes it so that all measures end nicely on the 1, making drum fills line up correctly and making the grid line look like you’re playing down beat instead of upbeat.

          Between M84 and M96 your tempo map is slightly off.

          The BEAT track unhinges at M106 for some measures.

          One in 2 OD should be unison.



          Solid work, very well. Talking about issues, main offenders are the unnecessary disco flip markers (you have large sections with no snare in which you don’t need to flip anything) and a 1/32nd fill at M113-114 that is actually a triplet 1/16th notes fill.



          2 1/16th sustains look too short even at 80 bpm. You’re missing a good amount of pitch bends and you cut a lot of sustains short. The chart looks very clean, those issues notwithstanding.



          Same considerations as for guitar


          Good job. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


          Thank you for taking the time to go over this.


          Concerning the drums, I’ve never played RB without cymbals so I wasn’t sure how to go about the flips without the snare. I was just trying to keep it consistent with when the snare kicks in. I’ll go back and correct that and the fill.


          With the guitar, I guess I fell victim to my skill level while playing. Made expert a little easier than it should be. I’ll go over it again taking your recommendations into consideration.


          Add I’ll correct the other issues you mentioned in general.


          Thank you very much.


            Thanks for “like a rock”. I completely remember that song back in the day used for Coors beer commercials.

              Thanks for “like a rock”. I completely remember that song back in the day used for Coors beer commercials.


              Are you sure it was Coors? I remember it from



                Thanks for Like a Rock! Great job and I eagerly await any further customs you choose to do. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                Grabbed What it takes…I play mostly guitar and vox (expert on both), plus a sax player in out of game life (and am a father of 2 so no I’m not some kid) so I know music better than even the authors want to give me credit for…game creations as well for that matter…gotta say that so far, played this on guitar…VERY well charted. plays very naturally, solo follows note by note the right up and down movements as well as the 8th and 16th note spots…Hope to see the future updates with how it looks when you get the characters sync’d. But thanks and I look forward to seeing your future plans and if C3 will notice you and maybe even work with you some over time. Good song choices btw.

                  Thanks for “like a rock”. I completely remember that song back in the day used for Coors beer commercials.


                  Are you sure it was Coors? I remember it from



                  Your right it was chevrolet. The Colorado rock mountains was my intuition at first.


                  Nice work. Thank you, I really enjoyed these.


                    these songs are must-haves but i really need vocals… unless of course there are no vocals.. but when there are.. they’re important to me xD


                    Thanks everyone for the kind words. I agree with EdTanguy. Vocals are needed and as soon as I figure out what the heck I’m doing, vocals will be added.


                    After going through some of the suggestions from Farottone, I can now see the mistakes I made and have already made the songs better. They play better, feel better and are a little more challenging. Look for updates soon. I’m already playtesting a Def Leppard song and a couple more songs are in the works including a song from a Canadian rock band that very surprisingly has yet to make an appearance in RB (at least that I’m aware of). I’m also going through the request forums and have picked a few from there.

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