The Killers – All These Things I’ve Done

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  • #389557

    Hi, I was looking for if there was a custom for this song already, or if someone on here is working on one. Thanks


      I’ll throw in “All The Pretty Faces” from GH5 for good measure. Surprised no one got to that conversion.


        All the Pretty Faces isn’t done yet? wow, do want!

          All the Pretty Faces isn’t done yet? wow, do want!


          I’m pretty certain is hasnt been released. I never saw a link on the GHtoRB3 google doc.


            It KILLS me that this doesn’t yet exist. It was a huge single, totally iconic and would be a stone blast on every part (especially the harmonies – that choir!)


            Whoever customs this one up will receive one BILLION questionmark points (redeemable for one Internet).

            It KILLS me that this doesn’t yet exist. It was a huge single, totally iconic and would be a stone blast on every part (especially the harmonies – that choir!)


            Whoever customs this one up will receive one BILLION questionmark points (redeemable for one Internet).

            Yeah, it was my cross country team’s “theme song.” It was the final song we always played on the bus. That was the only song everyone knew and it was so badass to hear 40 guys sing the song.



            I did start out to right out the MIDI for the drums for my own personal use, it is about 90% done. But I have no clue how to write out guitar, bass, keyboard, and vocals. I was hoping someone out there already made it.

            I did start out to right out the MIDI for the drums for my own personal use, it is about 90% done. But I have no clue how to write out guitar, bass, keyboard, and vocals. I was hoping someone out there already made it.


            Consider watching this: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=983


            With some luck, you might find it to be manageable and enjoyable and eventually get a full band chart done, and maybe even want to chart more song <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

            I did start out to right out the MIDI for the drums for my own personal use, it is about 90% done. But I have no clue how to write out guitar, bass, keyboard, and vocals. I was hoping someone out there already made it.


            Consider watching this: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=983


            With some luck, you might find it to be manageable and enjoyable and eventually get a full band chart done, and maybe even want to chart more song <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

            Ok thanks! Do you know where to find the pro toms (drums) where you are inputting MIDI notes? I can’t seem to find it when inputting notes.

            Ok thanks! Do you know where to find the pro toms (drums) where you are inputting MIDI notes? I can’t seem to find it when inputting notes.


            They don’t have their own notes. Use the RBN2 or C3 template, then there should be marked above the notes tom markers. To make a note into a tom, chart for example a yellow note as normal and then add a yellow tom marker note at the same time as this note, then it appears as a tom ingame (check the RBN preview window to see if it worked correctly). Read up on the authoring docs located in the authoring tools subforum for more vital details about the charting process.

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