For anybody who wants to compile some customs

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    I’m having a headache trying to compile some customs over the past 2 or so weeks, and I’ve just given up on them. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> For anybody who wants more customs and doesn’t mind compiling them,here’s a Mediafire folder with RARs in them. The folder has:

    Cold War Kids-Hang Me Up to Dry

    Elliott Smith-L.A.

    Weezer-Why Bother?

    Aya Hirano-Super Driver


    For anyone who gets L.A. or Why Bother, the stems haven’t been rendered to WAVs yet, so you’ll have to DIY. Hang Me Up to Dry does have it’s stems rendered though.


    TL;DR: I quit too easily on compiling customs and I’m offering RARs with the things you need if you want to compile them.


    P.S.-If you compile any of them successfully, post the CONs here. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


    EDIT:Jesus friggin’ Christ. I posted all that and forgot to link to the folder. :ohdear: Here’s the actual links:

  … b9/l.a.rar … ptodry.rar … driver.rar … bother.rar


    EDIT 2:Here’s a link for a new RAR. This time it’s Muse-Micro Cuts. Enjoy. … rocuts.rar


      God, I hope someone con-ifies these. I would kill for those first 3 (and might enjoy the other after listening).


      just a heads up – you need to fix your link – it doesn’t go where you think it goes


        Oh man, I’d love Why Bother? and L.A.


        Can someone with the know-how do this?


          no one’s done these? okay i’ll do it..




          he said unknowingly..


          *dives out immediately* this’ll take me some time i don’t have and as such i’m bailing, i have many other projects and seeing all those extended sustains and lack of harmonies i’d need for just L.A.. i’m gonna go to sleep now bai


          for some reason i thought it’d be really simple.. and it kinda is.. but it still takes time.. time that isn’t available


          Does anyone wanna still do these or should I just close the thread?


          Edit (if anyone is reading this old thread): I took a look at this when I was basically a total noob at customs and may have missed something. I have since done a convert from GH5 and there were some other nuances to getting the tempo right. The HMUTD files might be totally usable.


          Do you have the Reaper project for HMUTD? I loaded all the tracks individually into a new project but it looks like the tempo mapping is off. All the time markers seem too low and the beat starts lagging behind the notes pretty much instantly. The vocal notation looks good but gets way out synch because of the tempo problem. Also, I don’t know if the note chart is yours but the sustains need to be pulled back so there is space between the end of them and the beginning of the next chord. No one can reasonably be expected to hold the full sustain and move to a new chord so quickly, and it looks nicer.


          I like this song and would like to see it released, so I will take a crack at it if I can see the Reaper file. If the tempo mapping is off, then it might take a bit longer.

          Do you have the Reaper project for HMUTD? I loaded all the tracks individually into a new project but it looks like the tempo mapping is off. All the time markers seem too low and the beat starts lagging behind the notes pretty much instantly. The vocal notation looks good but gets way out synch because of the tempo problem. Also, I don’t know if the note chart is yours but the sustains need to be pulled back so there is space between the end of them and the beginning of the next chord. No one can reasonably be expected to hold the full sustain and move to a new chord so quickly, and it looks nicer.


          I like this song and would like to see it released, so I will take a crack at it if I can see the Reaper file. If the tempo mapping is off, then it might take a bit longer.


          My computer crashed for the 50th time, so I can’t get you a RPP right now. As far as the chart, it’s from Band Hero, and I threw it through Le Fluffie’s MIDI Cleaner (amazing tool if you don’t already have it).


          I was hoping to finally play some Haruhi Suzumiya songs,but it’s not a con file,Poop haha.


            Since it’s not Rock Band 3 material, let’s close this down.

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