Band animations too slow

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  • #389429

      I’m working on my first custom and I’ve just about got it finished, but I’ve run into an issue where the band animations for my song are ridiculously slow. I first tried building through Magma on Slow, Medium, and Fast animations but it made no noticeable difference. I then assumed the animations had to be tied to the beat track (and at least had that semi-confirmed through searching the forums here,) so I tried modifying the beat track to make animations faster, but I got this error when building in Magma:

      ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (BEAT): Beat track cannot be faster than double time; less than 240 ticks between beats at [3] and [3]

      That’s the message I get when I double the beat track. I tried just doubling the number of down beats (essentially 2/4 time) and that built fine, but still the slow animations. I then tried doubling all of my tempo markers, but this obviously threw all my MIDI notes way off their marks, and I can’t see an easy way of doubling the length of every note while keeping them spaced out correctly. I don’t even know if doing that will fix my issue.


      Any ideas on what I can do to fix the problem?


      That’s odd, it should allow you to straight out double the BPM in the BEAT track. Try quantizing the BEAT track and look over the points Magma points out and see if it’s truly merely doubled and not tripled or quadrupled on accident.


        Quantizing fixed the problem; thanks very much. Sorry to trouble you when it was such a simple solution :/


        Quick other question, why wouldn’t changing these options in Magma make a difference, are they for something else?


        Nothing to worry about <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Quick other question, why wouldn’t changing these options in Magma make a difference, are they for something else?


        Slow, Medium and Fast animations don’t change the animation speed in itself, but the animation pool set that is designed to look best with certain tempos.

        Nothing to worry about <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Quick other question, why wouldn’t changing these options in Magma make a difference, are they for something else?


        Slow, Medium and Fast animations don’t change the animation speed in itself, but the animation pool set that is designed to look best with certain tempos.


        Ah yes : ) Thanks.

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