Picture Thing (I don’t know what it’s called…)

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      Um. I’ve been wondering how does one do one of those pictures where it shows the song’s name, album, artist, instruments, and everything else? I’ve noticed quite a handful of people does it so really am curious as well.


      Oh and as for a forum specific question… How does one post a picture onto a post directly rather than using a linked one from elsewhere on the internet?


        The “visualizer” is created using the C3 edition of LeFluffie. When you compile a song with C3 Magma, after it’s done there should be an option to “visualize,” given you’ve linked Magma to LeFluffie. Alternatively, you can open LeFluffie and select “Visualizer,” then load a song.


        As for the other part, when posting a comment, assuming you’re pressing “post reply” instead of “quick reply,” there’s a toolbar right about the text box that looks like this.



        Highlight the picture URL (you’ll have to upload it online) and press the “Img” button.


          Well I know how to do the “Img” thing when I have an online link. I was talking about being directly from the computer but I see that it isn’t possible that way. Oh well.


          And I guess I’ll have to finally get LeFluffie, lol. Been wanting to ‘visualize’ my songs for quite some time.


            If you’re using Visualizer, the default is to upload the image to Imgur and copy the link to your clipboard. So all you do is click on “Save” and you’ll have confirmation. Then just press the Img button here on the forums and Ctrl + V or right-click Paste.


            For other images, well you got to upload them somewhere. Imgur is a great place.




              I tried it and it’s telling me to install a font and then fails to show me where to get and install said font…


                If I recall correctly, the font is bundled with the package. You should find c3.otf in the res directory.

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