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  • #389316

      I’m seeing an alarming number of first-timers developing way too many charts at once.




      I can’t tell you how many people have dozens in progress, none of which see the light of day.


      Authoring is hard.

      If you get errors in Magma, compare your chart to an existing chart to try and understand what is broken.

      Keep fixing your chart until it is done.

      Get some feedback on that chart so you are sure you’re doing it right.


      THEN you can start doing other charts.


      We are happy to help you with ONE song at a time. Please don’t ask for help on a different song until you have finished or abandoned that song.


        Use the C3 template. I have seen charts with track names under text or lyrics events. That kind of error just can’t happen if you use our template. On the other hand, if you don’t use our template, anything goes for this kind things.


        This thing you’re trying to do is hard, Nyx ain’t kidding. It’s hard for people who have done this a lot of times, you can imagine how hard it is for someone who’s never done it. But we’ve spent much time creating tools to make your life easier, Nyx and pksage have done video tutorials, take advantage of these tools.


        Also, don’t underestimate the “convert from FoF” or “convert from GH” business. I started out converting FoF songs so I know all about that and Magma will break many times if you take a FoF chart and just import in Reaper, copy/paste and export to Magma.


        This can be pretty frustrating if you don’t take away basic issues, and basic issues can be easily removed by using our template and following our tutorials. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


          Slow and steady wins the race. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          To be honest, that’s what it feels like between authors… a race. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


          ONE MORE TIME! Wait, this is not a singalong thread…


          But yeah, I can confirm working at one chart at a time is a good idea. I used to work on a billion charts at once back when I was a FoF noob and it ended only in tears and unfinished crappy guitar charts.


            I would go even further than what Nyx is suggesting and say author one instrument at a time. Especially if you are a complete neophyte to charting and/or don’t play Expert at a high level.


            Then look at it in the preview tool. Several times.


            Then look for songs that have a similar sound/pattern and compare your charting positions to those of other authors (be it HMX or otherwise), either via video review or a comparison of charts. Examples of things like slides, fast alternating strummy patterns, appropriateness of three-note chords, and wrapping notes are available in abundance, and yet those are the ones people seem to consistently waffle on.


            Don’t rush your song, and use the resources you have out there. I powered out my first track in a weekend. The v1 was a mess, the v2 was significantly improved (but still needed — and needs polish). Songs I have done since then generally take longer because they’re less copy-pasta and I am better versed in polishing them. Unless you are a charting prodigy, I would expect to see things take much longer.







            Slow and steady wins the race. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


            To be honest, that’s what it feels like between authors… a race. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


            Yeah, I’ve noticed that. I’ve been trying to take my time on my chart, though I do want to feel the excitement of having it finally done, and being able to move on to more songs (and not make so many chart crippling and silly mistakes next time), but still…


            One is definitely enough for someone like me, who basically just started out with Reaper by really badly converting a bunch of phase shift songs over to RB and calling them customs without even realizing that I was doing a terrible job. I didn’t know how to properly align audio with a tempo map before I started working with people here.


            Now that seems fundamental and simple to do to an extent. I’ve never been able to learn more about customs creation than I have in the last two weeks here. I used to think that I could just rush into doing these and get them done fast, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I have so much to learn, and I think the way I originally was thinking is the way that a lot of other newcomers are thinking as well. It takes time, even if you’re a master at the stuff, as well as a lot of trial and error when learning the ropes.


            I appreciated the amount of work that went into the songs before, but now I have an even greater appreciation for it now that I’m doing it myself.


              I do agree with the whole ‘one chart at a time’ thing. I’m quite new to charting and it is quite hard and requires a lot of patience. I know for sure I still do have a handful of WIPs (I think) but I’ve dropped some, either because I got bored and didn’t want the song anymore on RB3 or the artist had uploaded a newer version of the same song. Currently, I’m doing what was said here and working only one at a time, mostly just finishing a few that I started. (Actually, reason for my WIPs was mostly because I only focused on Guitar and Vocals related stuff at first).

                Use the C3 template.


                Tbh, I don’t really like the C3 template that much. Only thing I use from it are the drum mix events and ‘real keys’ events… And I do just fine with everything else. Then again, I’ve noticed from what I’ve seen and heard is that I chart Vocal’s Lyrics quite differently than others (And still get the correct same effect). I believe charting Bass and Guitar on C3 template and RBN2 template is the same. I believe.


                  PLEASE use the C3 template. It helps us work with submitted charts, both for official C3 submissions and when people are trying to get help from us. If you have an issue with the template (and there are some legitimate issues), let us fix them so you can use the best template possible instead of using the RBN template.


                  The way lyrics are authored, no matter how you do it, has absolutely nothing to do with the template.

                    Use the C3 template.


                    Tbh, I don’t really like the C3 template that much. Only thing I use from it are the drum mix events and ‘real keys’ events… And I do just fine with everything else. Then again, I’ve noticed from what I’ve seen and heard is that I chart Vocal’s Lyrics quite differently than others (And still get the correct same effect). I believe charting Bass and Guitar on C3 template and RBN2 template is the same. I believe.


                    :confused: :raise:



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