Unexplainable Magma Compiler Error [Solved]

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  • #389198

    I’ve tried to build this CON 3 damn times now, every single time its spit this error out:


    Project Compiler: Writing out M:RB3 CustomsWolfandMan_rb3con_ProjectMetallica – Of Wolf And Man Custom (FINAL)wolfandmanfinal.rba…

    NOTIFY: Failed to save M:RB3 CustomsWolfandMan_rb3con_ProjectMetallica – Of Wolf And Man Custom (FINAL)wolfandmanfinal.rba: Unable to open M:RB3 CustomsWolfandMan_rb3con_ProjectMetallica – Of Wolf And Man Custom (FINAL)wolfandmanfinal.rba for write.


    ERROR: Project Compiler: There was a problem writing your RBA file.

    Project Compiler: Done.

    RBA Build ended at 5:50 PM.


    It looks like there was an error creating the RBA file.

    Stopping here…


    It compiles everything fine, but then all of a sudden claims that my hard drive doesn’t exist… :aaa:


    EDIT: I’ve fixed the problem by moving the file path from M: to C:

    I’ve had some really, really, really stupid compiler errors lately. So stupid that I can’t understand them at all. Things like it saying I have invalid double notes at times where there are no notes at all if I’ve saved the midi from a(n) (un)saved RPP file…

    I’ve tried to build this CON 3 damn times now, every single time its spit this error out:


    Project Compiler: Writing out M:RB3 CustomsWolfandMan_rb3con_ProjectMetallica – Of Wolf And Man Custom (FINAL)wolfandmanfinal.rba…


    M:? Shouldn’t it be saved to C: or D:? (unless it’s a Mac thing)


    Also I remember I once got this one when one of the MIDI tracks had unsupported note in one of the other menus you can choose along with Events, Velocity etc. for each MIDI event (mostly in track 64: Hold Pedal on/off if you use a reference MIDI when charting). Check if there is anything there that shouldn’t be there.


      First, it’s NOT a Magma issue (sigh). It’s a MagmaCompiler issue.



      NOTIFY: Failed to save M:RB3 CustomsWolfandMan_rb3con_ProjectMetallica – Of Wolf And Man Custom (FINAL)wolfandmanfinal.rba: Unable to open M:RB3 CustomsWolfandMan_rb3con_ProjectMetallica – Of Wolf And Man Custom (FINAL)wolfandmanfinal.rba for write.


      That seems like a permissions issue. What hard drive is the project in? What hard drive is Magma installed in? What Windows are you running? Do you have full permissions? Have you tried maybe not having such a long folder name? It shouldn’t make a difference but maybe MagmaCompiler doesn’t like something in your file path, which is quite complex.


      M:? Shouldn’t it be saved to C: or D:? (unless it’s a Mac thing)


      Why would it be? You can have virtually the entire alphabet of drive letters. I have an M drive that’s 2TB of storage and i’m on Windows <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

      I’ve tried to build this CON 3 damn times now, every single time its spit this error out:


      Project Compiler: Writing out M:RB3 CustomsWolfandMan_rb3con_ProjectMetallica – Of Wolf And Man Custom (FINAL)wolfandmanfinal.rba…


      M:? Shouldn’t it be saved to C: or D:? (unless it’s a Mac thing)


      Nope. M is my drive that I use for all my stuff, while C is my boot drive (so I get good boot speed), D is my backup drive and then I’ve got my DVD burner, my blu ray player, 4 USB ports an SD port an MS port and finally M. Dunno why the heck it landed as M but it did and it works just fine.


      First, it’s NOT a Magma issue (sigh). It’s a MagmaCompiler issue.


      That seems like a permissions issue. What hard drive is the project in? What hard drive is Magma installed in? What Windows are you running? Do you have full permissions? Have you tried maybe not having such a long folder name? It shouldn’t make a difference but maybe MagmaCompiler doesn’t like something in your file path, which is quite complex.


      I’ve been using the same exact path the whole time I’ve worked on this song without any issues, and I’ve made at least four different test CONS, all worked fine. I’m using Windows 7, and I checked the administrative privileges and nothing has changed, its not even read only.


        When you moved it to C:, did you use exactly the same folder structure? It could be an issue with path length or the characters in the path name (stranger things have happened).

        When you moved it to C:, did you use exactly the same folder structure? It could be an issue with path length or the characters in the path name (stranger things have happened).


        Yeah, same everything, only thing different was that it was on my boot drive, rather than the drive that I, y’know, use ALL the time ><img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> … the compiler is just being a real pain in my ass lately. I can’t tell what the issue is.


        Although I have been working on ‘Who Made Who’ from the Maximum Overdrive soundtrack, so maybe my machine is turning against me lol… all this might be being caused by comet dust or aliens xD

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