Question about uploader/scheduler

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    This is something I’ve been thinking since I got the PM about uploading files to the scheduler rather than using Mediafire, etc. Do you mean that we should use the uploader to upload our CON files AND our RPP files? I’m a bit lost on how that works when pksage mentioned about ditching Mediafire. I’m also wondering if we can delete files from the uploader if we wanted to. An example of this would be since I named my CON file “exampleV2” and then I release a V3, I would still have to name it exampleV2 to overwrite the other file right? Or can I rename the file to exampleV3 and then get rid of the file I’m not using? Hope this makes sense.

      This is something I’ve been thinking since I got the PM about uploading files to the scheduler rather than using Mediafire, etc. Do you mean that we should use the uploader to upload our CON files AND our RPP files? I’m a bit lost on how that works when pksage mentioned about ditching Mediafire. I’m also wondering if we can delete files from the uploader if we wanted to. An example of this would be since I named my CON file “exampleV2” and then I release a V3, I would still have to name it exampleV2 to overwrite the other file right? Or can I rename the file to exampleV3 and then get rid of the file I’m not using? Hope this makes sense.


      The uploader and the scheduler are different part of the control panel. With the uploader you upload your files. In the scheduler you then add a record for each song and select the file to link for the song.


      At the moment you can’t delete files from the control panel, no, but you don’t need to worry about that because you just have to relink the file in the scheduler. The old copy will still be there but you’ll get a different link to share for the new one. Or, yes, upload the file with the same name.


      Does this go for RPP files as well? Like can I upload the RPP file in the uploader and link it in the playtesting thread?

        Does this go for RPP files as well? Like can I upload the RPP file in the uploader and link it in the playtesting thread?


        Sure, you can. RAR or ZIP all the assets in one file, RAR or ZIP the Reaper project (do not upload it as it is, the server won’t play nice to the .rpp extension) in another, so that testers only need to redownload the smaller iterations of the Reaper project.


        Cool thanks.

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