Weird Echo-like sound FX during overdrives in customs

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      For a bunch of my video game customs, when I activate overdrive on guitar, the sound gets all weird and echoey. I know this because I’m not using multitrack, but is there a way so the wammy bar or stuff like that doesn’t make the track sound go all weird? Is that where the “Backing” track in Magma is used for?

        For a bunch of my video game customs, when I activate overdrive on guitar, the sound gets all weird and echoey. I know this because I’m not using multitrack, but is there a way so the wammy bar or stuff like that doesn’t make the track sound go all weird? Is that where the “Backing” track in Magma is used for?

        If you don’t have multitracks, your song audio is the only thing that should be in the backing track. Everything else should be silent.


        You can use a 1 second silent wav to make the rb3con a little smaller.


          Ok. So what you are saying is that under drums and guitar and bass I should only put silent clips? And then put the actual song render under the backing track section?




              OK, so now the wammy noises went away but NOW the sound is only coming out of the left speaker, any ideas? My render of the backing track is 44100 KhZ 16 bit stereo, should it be something different? I tried doing MONO but it sounds terrible, anytime I try stereo it only comes out of one speaker. never had that problem using any of those renders with the guitar, bass, keys, drums, or vocal track. It just does that on backing.


                How many instruments are in your chart? How are your pans in the .dta?


                  just vocals and guitar for this one. The pans say (-1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00) not sure what those mean I haven’t ever messed around with those before. I tried using a silent wav for the instruments but that wouldn’t make one of the speakers much less louder than the other one would it? And like I mentioned before when I put the same wav file into the guitar slot in magma, as opposed to backing, it was very loud and clear, just became echoey if I ever used the wammy bar.


                  EDIT: I re-rendered the silent track as a MONO track instead of a Stereo and that seemed to balance out the sound again with both speakers, would that make a difference?


                    Magma bug. Only 2 instruments make the right channel distort.


                      Oh damn. OK then I’ll just BS another instrument to fix that, should that make it better?

                        Oh damn. OK then I’ll just BS another instrument to fix that, should that make it better?


                        It will. Or, put the actual audio on vocals and put mute in the backing: ta-dah!

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