“Blue” from Cowboy Bebop

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  • #388640

    Hello, first time poster here. I’m really grateful for all the work you guys have put into keeping Rock Band DLC alive. The songs I have tried so far have great quality charts.


    If possible, I want to request “Blue” from the “Cowboy Bebop” anime series. It would mean a lot to me, since I associate the song with my late cat, Linus. He passed away last September shortly after his 16th birthday, and the first thing I did when I came home from the vet was listen to it in private while watching the sky.


    I’m not sure how well this song would translate to Rock Band, but like I said, it would mean a lot to me. Thanks for reading.


      That’s a whole lotta harmonies in the intro!

      That’s a whole lotta harmonies in the intro!

      Yeah. If someone were to do it, I would be ok with the intro being uncharted. The main vocals would be good though, and guitar and bass would be decent. I don’t think the drums and keys would be great, but I think it would be worth it for the other parts.


        I think 95% of the populace thinks “Tank!” when they think “Cowboy Bebop music”.


        I always think “



        I’ve always liked this track, though.


          I’d love to see “Tank!”, “Ask DNA” or “Rain” from Cowboy Bebop. God, this series has such good music.

            I always think “


            You so funny! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


            Yes, “TANK!”, of course, but I’m not sure how you’d split out the instrumentation. I think “Real Folk Blues” ranks up there with popular stuff that works for a rock band. “Blue” does work pretty well in that context (after the real drums kick in, at least).


            On the personal tastes side, I learned to play “Wo Qui Non Coin” on guitar at one point, because it’s my own “dead cat-friend memory” song. (I’ll probably brush that off again in a future open mic set.)

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